Zephyrus Advisors

Independent Management Consulting in Agribusiness, Food & Related Industries



With a broad experience base in many parts of the food ingredient and ag supply chain, and in many applications of management problem solving, we can quickly assemble the resources needed to address many situations and provide assistance.


Project-Based Assignments

  • Adding high-level capacity quickly and efficiently can get projects completed and the results implemented without making a long-term commitment to infrequently used resources.

  • Data collection and analysis.

  • Market assessment of supply and demand, competition, and opportunity.

  • Project feasibility

  • Systems design


Business Succession Planning & Implementation

  • Business Brokerage – majority or minority interest.

  • ESOP plan development and advising.


Management Therapy !

Managers frequently bring the same approach, thought process, and reasoning to all decision situations. However, many decisions are not well-suited for boilerplate approaches. We can assist in guiding decision makers to the situationally-appropriate analytical approach and decision tools.


Strategy Development & Implementation Plans

  • Strategic thinking leadership.

  • Strategy implementation planning and execution.


Retainer-Based Assignments

  • When you need someone who is already up to speed on your situation.



Zephyrus Advisors provides independent management consulting, business brokerage and other services to businesses and other entities, principally in the food and agribusiness sector.


Michael A. Mazzocco, PhD

Managing Director

Through his affiliations, projects, and private board activities, Mike Mazzocco has direct experience with conventional, sustainable and organic food industry supply chains, including production inputs, grains and oil seeds, bovine and crop genetics, lab services, milling, food ingredients, financing, and transportation.

A Professor Emeritus of the University of Illinois, where he was the Director of the Food and Agribusiness Management Program and later Director of Corporate Relations for the campus, Mike had an initial career as a commercial banker.

With a strong network of accomplished professionals from diverse companies and roles, Zephyrus can assemble a team with the appropriate size, background, and talent to focus on the assignment. 


Who We Serve

We concentrate on the needs of medium-sized businesses and public institutions, whose needs range from retreat leadership to sophisticated analytics.

Industries include:

  • specialty grains

  • specialty food ingredients

  • milling

  • distribution

  • livestock genetics

  • crop genetics

  • laboratory services

  • financial institutions

  • diversified production

  • transportation

  • government agencies

  • not-for profit organizations

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